Ending the Marriage – Divorce or Dissolution
Spouses agree on all issues
- Dissolution Packet #1, DR-1 (For married people with minor children):
- Dissolution Packet #2, DR-2 (For married people without minor children)
- Dissolution Packet #3, DR-3 (For married people who cannot find their spouse and do not want to address issues about property, debt and the parenting plan.)
- Uncontested Complaint for Divorce With Children Packet, SHC-PAC9A
- Uncontested Complaint for Divorce Without Children Packet, SHC-PAC9B
- Uncontested Complaint for Custody of Minor Children Packet, SHC-PAC10
- Uncontested Divorce Complaint with No Property, No Children, and Short Marriage, DR-820
Spouses do not agree on all issues
- Divorce Complaint Packet, SHC-PAC1A (For married people with minor children)
- Divorce Complaint Packet, SHC-PAC1B (For married people without minor children)
Change a Dissolution to a Divorce
- Motion & Affidavit to Convert Dissolution to Divorce, SHC-1330 Word | PDF
- Order Granting Motion to Convert Dissolution to Divorce, SHC-1335 Word | PDF
Forms you may want if the wife in a divorce case is pregnant
- Motion, Affidavit & Order to Bifurcate Divorce for Custody, SHC-154
Word | PDF
- Joint Motion, Affidavit & Order to Bifurcate Divorce for Custody, SHC-155
Word | PDF
- Motion, Affidavit & Order to Bifurcate Divorce for Subsequent Determination of Paternity, SHC-152
Word | PDF
- Joint Motion, Affidavit and Order to Bifurcate Divorce for Subsequent Determination of Paternity, SHC-153
Word | PDF
Unmarried parents who want an order for a parenting plan and child support
Parents agree
- Uncontested Complaint for Custody of Minor Children Packet, SHC-PAC10
Parents do not agree or do not know if they agree
- FLSHC Custody Complaint Packet, SHC-PAC3A (For unmarried parents with or without paternity issues)
- Custody Complaint Packet, DR-414 (For unmarried parents)
Serving the other side (giving the other side copies of what you file)
Fee Waiver(if you can't afford the cost to start the case)
Standing Orders
Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. Read more about
Domestic Relations Standing Orders for the four judicial districts.
Return to top of page
Responding to a Complaint
- Instructions for Answering a Complaint, SHC-186

- Answer & Counterclaim Packet to a Custody Complaint, SHC-PAC3B
- Answer & Counterclaim Packet to Divorce With Minor Children, SHC-PAC4
- Answer & Counterclaim Packet to Divorce Without Minor Children, SHC-PAC5
Return to top of page
Serving the Other Side
Instructions and Useful Information
- How to Serve a Summons in a Civil Lawsuit, CIV-106
- Tips on Locating People
- List of Licensed Process Servers, PDF
- Service Reminder
Word | PDF
- Certificate of Service, SHC-1620
Word | PDF
- Proof of Service by Certified Mail, SHC-405
Word | PDF
Serving Outside Alaska with an Out-of-State Process Server
- Return of Service Affidavit, SHC-193 Word
Serving in an Alaska Jail
- Affidavit of Proof of Service at Jail Facility, CIV-140

Serving in a Jail Outside of Alaska
- Return of Service Affidavit, SHC-193 Word | PDF
Serving by Mail in a Foreign Country
- Notice & Affidavit of Foreign Service, SHC-205 Word | PDF
Serving Absent Defendant by Publication or Posting
Return to top of page
Filing for Default
- Default Application for either Divorce, Custody or Legal Separation, SHC-400
Word | PDF
- Proof of Service by Certified Mail, SHC-405
Word | PDF
- Motion & Affidavit to Set Aside Entry of Default and Accept Late Filed Answer, SHC-410 Word | PDF
- Motion for Employer-Reported Wages in Default Case, DR-325 FBKS [Fill-In PDF, 618 KB] - For use in Fairbanks court, default domestic relations cases only.
- Order for Employer-Reported Wages from CSSD, DR-326 [Fill-In PDF, 618 KB]
Return to top of page
Motions: Requesting an Order from the Court; Opposing a Motion
- Getting Your Message to the Judge, SHC-1380
Word | PDF
Forms (Use the Motion forms that fit your situation)
- Generic Motion Packet, SHC-PAC6
- Motion and Affidavit for Interim Orders - No Children, SHC-1105
Word | PDF
- Motion and Affidavit for Interim Orders - With Children, SHC-1100
Word | PDF
- Motion and Affidavit for Interim Custody & Support, SHC-1101
Word | PDF
- Order on Interim Orders - No Children, SHC-1107
Word | PDF
- Order on Interim Orders - With Children, SHC-1102
Word | PDF
- Custody Order (one page), SHC-1103 Word
(goes with the Motion & Affidavit for Interim Custody & Support, SHC-1101)
- Notice of Motion, SHC-1630 Word | PDF (must be filed with if you are filing a motion after the final orders, judgement, and decrees were issued in your case)
Return to top of page
Getting Ready for Hearing or Trial
- Agreement & Order, SHC-1061
Word | PDF
- Exhibit List, TF-200
& TF-201

- Joint Motion for Settlement Conference, SHC-1062
Word | PDF
- Joint Motion to Put Settlement on the Record, SHC-1063
Word | PDF
- Motion for Settlement Conference, SHC-1064
Word | PDF
- Stipulation, SHC-1060
Word | PDF
- Trial Brief, SHC-1055
Word | PDF
- Witness List, SHC-1050
Word | PDF
- Witness List - page 2, SHC-1051 Word | PDF
- Motion, Affidavit & Order to Appear & Testify By Telephone, SHC-1340
Word | PDF
- Joint Motion, Affidavit & Order to Appear and Testify by Telephone, SHC-1342
Word | PDF
Additional Forms Depending on Type of Case
For Divorce without children:
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
For Divorce with children:
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
- Custody & Visitation Plan (long), SHC-1120 Word
| PDF or
Custody & Visitation Plan (short), SHC-1122 Word
- Best Interests Affidavit, SHC-1125 Word
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
For Custody:
- Agreement & Order for Custody and Visitation, SHC-1126 Word | PDF or
Custody & Visitation Plan (long), SHC-1120 Word
| PDF or
Custody & Visitation Plan (short), SHC-1122 Word
- Best Interests Affidavit, SHC-1125 Word
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
Return to top of page
Finishing the Custody Case
- Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (Custody) & Decree of Custody and Judgment, DR-460 & DR-465
[Fill-In PDF]
If you have objections to either the proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (Custody) or Decree of Custody and Judgment , use CR 78 Objections, SHC-1635
(Word | PDF)
to file your objections. You have 5 days to file this.
Return to top of page
Finishing the Divorce Case
Children and Property (Long)
- Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law & Decree of Divorce,
DR 800 & 805[Fill-In PDF]
Children and Property (Short)
- Divorce Findings of Fact & Conclusions, SHC-520
Word | PDF
- Divorce Judgment and Decree, SHC-525
Word | PDF
No Children and Property (Long)
- Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law & Decree of Divorce,
DR 801& 806 [Fill-In PDF]
No Children and Property (Short)
- Divorce Findings of Fact & Conclusions, SHC-540
Word | PDF
- Divorce Judgment and Decree, SHC-545 Word |
If you have objections to either the proposed Custody Findings of Fact &
Conclusions of Law or the Custody Judgment, use CR 78 Objections, SHC-1635
(Word | PDF)
to file your objections. You have 5 days to file this.
Return to top of page
After You Get the Final Judgment or Order
- Motion & Affidavit for Reconsideration, SHC-1545
Word | PDF
- Motion & Affidavit to Set Aside Judgment or Order, SHC-1548
Word | PDF
- Order on Motion, SHC-1302
Word | PDF
- Notice of Motion, SHC-1630
Word | PDF
(Required form if you are filing post-judgment and more than 1 year has passed since the final judgment)
- Service Reminder
Word | PDF
Return to top of page
Enforcing Your Order
Forms for the Moving Party
Enforce Order
- Motion & Affidavit to Enforce Order, SHC-1540
Word | PDF
- Order on Motion, SHC-1302
Word | PDF
- Worksheet – Unpaid Medical, Dental and Vision Care Expenses, SHC-1541
Word | PDF
(optional depending on situation)
- Notice of Motion, SHC-1630
Word | PDF
(Required form if you are filing post-judgment and more than 1 year has passed since the final judgment)
- Service Reminder
Word | PDF
- Reply, SHC-1305 Word | PDF
Reduce to Judgment
- Motion & Affidavit to Reduce to Judgment, SHC-1530
Word | PDF
- Order Reducing to Judgment, SHC-1535
Word | PDF
- Worksheet – Figure out Judgment Amount, SHC-1536
Word | PDF
- Notice of Motion, SHC-1630
Word | PDF
(Required form if you are filing post-judgment and more than 1 year has passed since the final judgment)
- Service Reminder
Word | PDF
- Reply, SHC-1305
Word | PDF
Forms for the Responding Party
- Opposition, SHC-1303
Word | PDF
- Affidavit & Memorandum, SHC-1301
Word | PDF
- Order on Opposition, SHC-1304
Word | PDF
- Service Reminder
Word | PDF
Return to top of page
Collecting Money Owed to You
Information about Execution Procedure
- Execution Procedure: Judgment Creditor Booklet, CIV-550

- Judgment Debtor Booklet, CIV-511

Forms and Information to Execute on Debtor’s PFD
- Information for Issuance of Writ of Execution, CIV-501 [Fill-In PDF]
- Writ of Execution & Notice of Levy on PFD by Certified Mail, CIV-502 [Fill-In PDF]
- Writ of Execution on PFD, CIV-504
[This form was eliminated effective May 1, 2012. No new CIV-504 writs will be issued, but previously issued ones will remain outstanding.]
- Executing on the Permanent Fund Dividend: Creditor's Instructions, CIV-503

- Instructions to Process Server for Serving Writ of Execution, CIV-560 [Fill-In PDF]
Forms and Information to Garnish the Debtor’s Earnings
- Information for Issuance of Writ of Execution, CIV-501 [Fill-In PDF]
- Writ of Execution for Garnishment of Earnings, CIV-525 [Fill-In PDF]
- Employer's Response, CIV-526

- Notice of Garnishment and Notice of Right to Exemptions, CIV-530 [Fill-In PDF]
- Claim of Exemption from Garnishment, CIV-531 [Fill-In PDF]
- Instructions to Process Server for Serving Writ of Execution for Garnishment of Earnings, CIV-561 [Fill-In PDF]
Return to top of page
Modifying Child Custody or Child Support Order After the Final Order
Parents agree on change to parenting plan or child support
- Uncontested Motion to Modify Custody, Visitation and Child Support Packet, SHC-PAC11
Parents do not agree or do not know if they agree about change to parenting plan or child support
- Motion to Modify Custody, Visitation & Support Packet, SHC-PAC12 (parent filing the request to change the order)
- Motion Packet, DR-700 (parent filing the request to change the order)
- Response Packet, DR-720 (parent responding to the other’s parent’s request to change the order)
- Custody Order (order form options telling the judge what to order but do not sign it)
- Custody Order (one page), SHC-1103 Word
- Post-Judgment Order for Modification of Custody and Visitation, SHC-1124
- Order for Modification of Child Support, DR-301
[Fill-In PDF] (order form telling the judge what to order but do not sign it)
- Information Sheet, DR-314 [Fill-In PDF] (required clerical form)
- Service Reminder
Word | PDF
Forms to Update Your Motion for Modification Before the Hearing
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150 [Fill-In PDF]
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
- Financial Declaration, DR-250 [Fill-In PDF]
Return to top of page
Registering Foreign (Out-Of-State) Orders
Required Forms to Register Foreign Child Custody Order
- Registering Foreign Child Custody Order, SHC-PAC7
Required Forms to Register Foreign Support Order
- Registering Foreign Support Order, SHC-PAC8
Return to top of page
Child Support
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
- Shared Custody Support Calculation, DR-306 [Fill-In PDF]
- Divided Custody Support Calculation, DR-307 [Fill-In PDF]
- Hybrid Custody Support Calculation, DR-308 [Fill-In PDF]
- Child Support Income Averaging Affidavit, SHC-1210
Word | PDF
- Order on Child Support, DR-300 [Fill-In PDF]
- Order for Modification of Child Support, DR-301 [Fill-In PDF]
- Child Support Order COMBO (combines DR-300 & DR-301), DR-303 [Fill-In PDF]
- Agreement & Order for Child Support Arrears Settlement, SHC-1245
Return to top of page
Child Support Services Division
General Information About CSSD
- Information About CSSD, DR-316

Forms to Apply or Withdraw From CSSD Services
- Withdrawal of Application for Services,
Form 04-1090,
(1 page)
CSSD Forms and Information For Domestic Violence Victims
- Confidentiality of Information for Victims of Domestic Violence,
Form 04-0500A
(1 page)
- Affidavit and Request for Nondisclosure of Identifying Information,
Form 04-0502
(1 page)
Form to Request An CSSD Modification Packet
Important Note: CSSD orders can only be modified through CSSD, but
court orders can be modified using CSSD services or directly by you using
the Court's Modification Packet. Please
call the Helpline if you have questions
about how these procedures differ.
- Request for CSSD Modification of an Alaskan Child Support Order, Form
(1 page)
Form to Request Lowering CSSD Withholding Because of Hardship
- Hardship Request for Lower Withholding, Form
(1 page)
Return to top of page
Grandparent Visitation
Forms to ask to join the parents custody case
- Motion & Affidavit to Join for Purpose of Grandparent Visitation, SHC-1140 Word | PDF
- Proposed Order on Motion to Join for Purpose of Grandparent Visitation, SHC-1141 Word | PDF
Forms to ask for grandparent visitation before the parents custody case is done
- Motion & Affidavit for Grandparent Visitation, SHC-1142 Word | PDF
- Proposed Order on Motion for Grandparent Visitation, SHC-1143 Word | PDF
Forms to ask for grandparent visitation after there is a final judgment in the parents custody case
- Motion & Affidavit for Grandparent Visitation (post-judgment), SHC-1144 Word | PDF
- Proposed Order on Motion for Grandparent Visitation, SHC-1143 Word | PDF
Return to top of page
Legal Separation
Starting the case when the spouses agree
- Uncontested Complaint for Legal Separation With Children, SHC-090 Word | PDF
- Uncontested Complaint for Legal Separation Without Children, SHC-091 Word | PDF
Starting the case when the spouses do not agree or do not know if they agree
- Complaint for Legal Separation With Children, SHC-092 Word | PDF
- Complaint for Legal Separation Without Children, SHC-093 Word | PDF
Responding when the other spouse filed a Complaint for Legal Separation
- Answer & Counterclaim to Legal Separation With Children, SHC-094 Word | PDF
- Answer & Counterclaim to Legal Separation Without Children, SHC-095 Word | PDF
Asking the court to convert the Legal Separation to Divorce
- Motion & Affidavit to Convert the Legal Separation to Divorce, SHC-1336
- Order to Convert the Legal Separation to Divorce, SHC-1337
Final Documents
- Legal Separation with Children and Property Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, SHC-590
- Judgment and Decree for Legal Separation with Children and Property, SHC-595
- Legal Separation with Property and No Children Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, SHC-591
- Judgment and Decree for Legal Separation with Property and No Children, SHC-596
Return to top of page
Parenting and Custody
- Parenting Plan Agreement & Order, SHC-1128 Word | PDF
- Agreement & Order for Custody and Visitation, SHC-1126 Word | PDF
- Best Interests Affidavit, SHC-1125
Word | PDF
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150
[Fill-In PDF]
- Custody & Visitation Order (long), SHC-1121
Word | PDF
- Custody & Visitation Plan (long), SHC-1120
Word | PDF
- Custody & Visitation Order (short), SHC-1123
Word | PDF
- Custody & Visitation Plan (short), SHC-1122 Word
- Motion and Affidavit for Interim Orders - With Children, SHC-1100
Word | PDF
- Order on Interim Orders - With Children, SHC-1102
Word | PDF
- Motion and Affidavit for Interim Custody & Child Support, SHC-1101
Word | PDF
- Custody Order (one page), SHC-1103 Word
| PDF (for interim custody and support or modification)
- Weekly Scheduling Chart, SHC-1132 Word
- Links for Alaska School District Calendars in Superior Court Locations

- Custody Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law, DR-460 [Fill-In PDF]
- Custody Judgment and Decree, DR-465 [Fill-In PDF]
Return to top of page
Parenting Coordination
Parent Forms
- Proposal for Private Parenting Coordinator, SHC-1810
Fill-In PDF |
- Objection to Parenting Coordinator Decision, SHC-1811
Fill-In PDF |
- About the Parenting Coordination Process, SHC-1812

Parenting Coordinator Forms
Attorney Use Form
- Order Appointing Parenting Coordinator, SHC-1802
[Fill-In PDF]
Return to top of page
Complaints to Establish Paternity
- Complaint by Mother to Establish Paternity, DR-500
- Complaint by Biological Father to Establish Paternity, DR-501
If the parents agree:
- Uncontested Complaint to Establish Paternity, DR-520
Complaints to Disestablish Paternity
- Complaint by Mother to Disestablish Paternity, DR-505
- Complaint by Current Legal Father to Disestablish Paternity, DR-506
Complaints to Disestablish and Establish Paternity
- Complaint by Mother to Disestablish and Establish Paternity, DR-510
- Complaint by Biological Father to Disestablish Another and Establish Self, DR-511
- Complaint by Current Legal Father to Disestablish Self and Establish Another, DR-512
Answers to Paternity Complaint
- Answer and Counterclaim to Complaint to Disestablish Paternity, DR-509
- Answer and Counterclaim to Complaint to Establish Paternity, DR-504
Forms Useful to Prove Paternity
- Motion & Affidavit for Genetic (DNA) Testing, DR-530
- Order for Genetic (DNA) Testing, DR-531
- Three-Way Affidavit to Disestablish and Establish Paternity, DR-521
Finishing the Case
- Paternity Disestablishment Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, DR-545 **
- Decree to Disestablish Paternity, DR-546 **
- Paternity Establishment Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, DR-543 **
- Decree to Establish Paternity, DR-544 **
** For court use only. If you need one of these forms, please contact the Family Law Self-Help Center.
- Motion to Bifurcate Divorce and Decide Paternity after Birth, DR-526
- Joint Request to Bifurcate Divorce and Decide Paternity after Birth, DR-525
- Joint Request for Biological Father to Join Case to Establish Paternity, DR-523
Return to top of page
Property and Debt, Civil Rule 26.1 and Discovery
Information to Exchange with the Other Party
- Civil Rule 26.1 Questionnaire, SHC-1010
Word | PDF
- Civil Rule 26.1 Property Worksheet, SHC-061 Excel
- Release of Financial and Employment Information, SHC-1011
Word | PDF
If ordered by the court to provide someone access to your medical records, fill out the following release form and give to that person:
- Release of Medical Information, SHC-1012
Word | PDF
- Financial Declaration, DR-250
[Fill-In PDF]
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000
Word | PDF
- Marital Property and Debt Division Agreement, SHC-1005
Word | PDF
- Request to Modify Order or Decree Concerning Spousal Maintenance or Property Allocation, DR-735 [Fill-In PDF]
Return to top of page
Uncontested Matters, Agreements and Settlements
- Uncontested Complaint for Custody of Minor Children Packet, SHC-PAC10
- Uncontested Complaint for Divorce With Children Packet, SHC-PAC9A
- Uncontested Complaint for Divorce Without Children Packet, SHC-PAC9B
- Uncontested Motion to Modify Custody, Visitation and Child Support Packet, SHC-PAC11
- Agreement & Order, SHC-1061
Word | PDF
- Parenting Plan Agreement & Order, SHC-1128 Word | PDF
- Agreement & Order for Custody and Visitation, SHC-1126
Word | PDF
- Joint Motion, SHC-1310
Word | PDF
- Joint Affidavit, SHC-1320
Word | PDF
- Order on Motion, SHC-1302
Word | PDF
- Joint Motion for Settlement Conference, SHC-1062
Word | PDF
- Joint Motion to Put Settlement on the Record, SHC-1063
Word | PDF
- Motion for Settlement Conference, SHC-1064
Word | PDF
- Stipulation, SHC-1060
Word | PDF
- Joint Motion, Affidavit & Order to Appear and Testify by Telephone, SHC-1342
Word | PDF
Return to top of page
- Additional Information, TF-941 [Fill-In PDF]
- Affidavit, SHC-1625
Word | PDF
- Certificate of Service, SHC-1620
Word | PDF
- CR 78 Objections, SHC-1635
Word | PDF
- Financial Declaration, DR-250 [Fill-In PDF]
- Notice of Filing, SHC-1605
Word | PDF
- Notice of Motion, SHC-1630
Word | PDF
- Motion, Affidavit & Order to Appear & Testify By Telephone, SHC-1340
Word | PDF
- Joint Motion, Affidavit & Order to Appear and Testify by Telephone, SHC-1342
Word | PDF
- Request and Release for Records From the Alaska Department of Labor, SHC-1282 (Word
| PDF)
- Authorization to Release Social Security Earnings Information, SHC-1285 (Word
| PDF)
Divorce Complaint With Children Packet |
Generic Motion Packet |
Uncontested Motion to Modify Custody, Visitation and Child Support Packet |
Divorce Complaint Without Children Packet |
Registering Foreign Custody Order Packet |
Motion to Modify Custody, Visitation & Support Packet |
Alternate Service Packet |
Registering Foreign Support Order Packet |
Legal Separation Complaint With Children Packet |
Custody Packet (for unmarried parents) |
Uncontested Complaint for Divorce With Children Packet |
Legal Separation Complaint Without Children Packet |
Answer & Counterclaim Packet to Custody Packet (for unmarried parents) |
Uncontested Complaint for Divorce Without Children Packet |
Answer & Counterclaim Packet to Complaint for Legal Separation With Children |
Answer & Counterclaim Packet to Divorce With Minor Children Packet |
Uncontested Divorce Complaint with No Property, No Children, and Short Marriage |
Answer & Counterclaim Packet to Complaint for Legal Separation Without Children |
Answer & Counterclaim Packet to Divorce Without Minor Children Packet |
Uncontested Complaint for Custody of Minor Children Packet |
Uncontested Complaint for Legal Separation With Children Packet |
Uncontested Complaint for Legal Separation Without Children Packet |
Other |
Other Packets |
Return to top of page
Divorce With Children Packet, SHC-PAC1A
- Divorce With Children Complaint Instructions, SHC-182

- How To Start a Contested Case, SHC-181
Word | PDF
- How to Serve a Summons in a Civil Lawsuit, CIV-106

- The Life of a Case, SHC-180
Word | PDF
- Tips on Locating People HTML | PDF
- List of Licensed Process Servers, PDF
Required Forms To Start Your Case
- Divorce Complaint, SHC-101
Word | PDF
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150
[Fill-In PDF]
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
- Information Sheet, DR-314 [Fill-In PDF]
- Summons, CIV-100 [Fill-In PDF] Anchorage | Fairbanks | Kenai | Palmer | All Other Locations
- Case Description Form CIV-125S

- Certificate of Divorce, Dissolution or Annulment, VS-401
You must use an original form (printed on archival-quality, acid-free paper).
You may not use a photocopy.
You must submit this form so that your divorce will be recorded with Health Analytics and Vital Records.
Important: If your divorce is not recorded, you may not be able to remarry, apply for a new license, or receive certain benefits until it is recorded. To get the form:
Pick up an original form from your local court; or
Call the Family Law Self Help Center at (907) 264-0851 and ask to have the form mailed to you; or
Email Health Analytics and Vital Records at BVSSpecialServices@alaska.gov and ask to have the form mailed to you.
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Direction to Seal Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit , DR-151 [Fill-In PDF]
Use this form if you think you or your child's health, safety or liberty
would be jeopardized by releasing this information to the other party or to the
- Paternity forms
If paternity is at issue, please call the Helpline for more information:
(907) 264-0851, or if you need a free call and are in-state but outside of Anchorage,
(866) 279-0851.
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
Necessary if you think there's any possibility of default.
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Divorce Without Children Packet,
- Divorce Without Children Complaint Instructions, SHC-183

- How To Start a Contested Case, SHC-181 Word
- How to Serve a Summons in a Civil Lawsuit, CIV-106
- The Life of a Case, SHC-180 Word |
- Tips on Locating People HTML | PDF
- List of Licensed Process Servers, PDF
Required Forms To Start Your Case
- Divorce Complaint, SHC-102 Word |
- Information Sheet, DR-314 [Fill-In PDF]
- Summons, CIV-100 [Fill-In PDF] Anchorage | Fairbanks | Kenai | Palmer | All Other Locations
- Case Description Form CIV-125S

- Certificate of Divorce, Dissolution or Annulment, VS-401
You must use an original form (printed on archival-quality, acid-free paper).
You may not use a photocopy.
You must submit this form so that your divorce will be recorded with Health Analytics and Vital Records.
Important: If your divorce is not recorded, you may not be able to remarry, apply for a new license, or receive certain benefits until it is recorded. To get the form:
Pick up an original form from your local court; or
Call the Family Law Self Help Center at (907) 264-0851 and ask to have the form mailed to you; or
Email Health Analytics and Vital Records at BVSSpecialServices@alaska.gov and ask to have the form mailed to you.
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
Necessary if you think there's any possibility of default.
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Alternate Service Packet, SHC-PAC2
Required Forms Serve by Alternate Service (Posting to the Court’s Legal Notice Website or Another Method)
- Request to Serve Defendant by Posting or Alternative Service, and Affidavit of Diligent Inquiry, CIV-145

- Notice to Absent Defendant, CIV-101

- If you attempted to have defendant served by process server or by certified mail, attach copies of the Return of Service or green postal card.
- Affidavit, SHC-1625 Word | PDF
(1 week before posting ends that states you:
- tried to serve the defendant by regular first class mail and registered or certified mail. OR
- that you could NOT serve by mail because you cannot find the defendant's last known mailing address.)
Required Form if Serving Someone in an Alaska State Jail or Prison
- Affidavit of Proof of Service at Jail Facility, CIV-140
See p.16 of CIV-106
How to Serve a Summons in a Civil Lawsuit, for instructions about how to use this affidavit.
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. For divorce or custody cases, to learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Custody Packet (for unmarried parents), SHC-PAC3A
- Instructions for Custody Complaint, SHC-187

- How to Start a Contested Case, SHC-181
Word | PDF
- How to Serve a Summons in a Civil Lawsuit, CIV-106
- The Life of a Case, SHC-180
Word | PDF
- Tips on Locating People
- List of Licensed Process Servers, PDF
Required Forms To Start Your Case
Required Clerical Forms
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Shared Custody Support Calculation,
DR-306 [Fill-In PDF]
- Application for Services of Child Support Services Division, DR-315 [Fill-In PDF]
- Direction to Seal Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-151 [Fill-In PDF]
Use this form if you think you or your child's health, safety or liberty
would be jeopardized by releasing this information to the other party or to the
- Paternity Forms - If paternity is at issue, please call the Helpline for more information: (907) 264-0851, or if you need a free call and are in-state but outside of Anchorage,
(866) 279-0851.
- Three-Way Affidavit to Disestablish and Establish Paternity, SHC-151
Word | PDF
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Answer & Counterclaim Packet to Custody Packet
(for unmarried parents), SHC-PAC3B
- Instructions on Answering a Complaint, SHC-186

Required Forms
- Answer & Counterclaim to a Custody Complaint, SHC-117 Word
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150
[Fill-In PDF]
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
- Information Sheet, DR-314 [Fill-In PDF]
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Direction to Seal Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-151 [Fill-In PDF]
Use this form if you think you or your child's health, safety or liberty
would be jeopardized by releasing this information to the other party or to the
- Paternity Forms
If paternity is at issue, please call the Helpline for more information:
(907) 264-0851, or if you need a free call and are in-state but outside of Anchorage,
(866) 279-0851.
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Answer & Counterclaim Packet
to Divorce With Minor Children Packet, SHC-PAC4
- Instructions on Answering a Complaint, SHC-186

Required Forms
- Answer & Counterclaim to Divorce With Minor Children, SHC-105 Word
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150
[Fill-In PDF]
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
- Information Sheet, DR-314[Fill-In PDF]
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Direction to Seal Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-151 [Fill-In PDF]
Use this form if you think you or your child's health, safety or liberty
would be jeopardized by releasing this information to the other party or to the
- Paternity Forms
If paternity is at issue, please call the Helpline for more information: (907)
264-0851, or if you need a free call and are in-state but outside of Anchorage,
(866) 279-0851.
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
- Financial Declaration, DR-250 [Fill-In PDF]
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Answer & Counterclaim Packet
to Divorce Without Minor Children Packet, SHC-PAC5
- Instructions on Answering a Complaint, SHC-186

Required Forms
- Answer & Counterclaim to Divorce Without Minor Children, SHC-107 Word
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
- Financial Declaration, DR-250 [Fill-In PDF]
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Generic Motion Packet, SHC-PAC6
Forms for the Moving Party
Forms for the Responding Party
- Opposition, SHC-1303 Word | PDF
- Affidavit & Memorandum, SHC-1301 Word |
- Order on Opposition, SHC-1304 Word | PDF
- Service Reminder
Word | PDF
Return to top of page
Registering Foreign Custody Order Packet, SHC-PAC7
Required Forms
- Request to Register Child Custody Order of Another State or Country,,
DR-482 [Fill-in PDF]
- Notice of Registration of Child Custody Order of Another State or Country,
DR-483 [Fill-In PDF]
- Affidavit for Child Custody Registration, SHC-1510 Word
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150 [Fill-In PDF]
- Request for Hearing on Registered Child Custody Order, DR-484 [Fill-In PDF]
- Confirmation of Registered Child Custody Order, DR-485 [Fill-In PDF]
- Case Description Form CIV-125S

Return to top of page
Registering Foreign Support Order
Packet, SHC-PAC8
- Registration of Support Order Issued by Another State, DR-341 [Fill-In PDF]
Required Forms
- Petition to Register a Support Order from Another State, DR-342 [Fill-In PDF]
- Confidential Information Sheet - Support Order from Another State, DR-343 [Fill-In PDF]
- Notice of Registration of Another State's Support Order, DR-344 [Fill-In PDF]
(Completed except for the date and clerk's signature)
- Request for Hearing About Registered Child Support Order, DR-345 [Fill-In PDF]
(Only fill in the Petitioner's and Respondent's names in the caption at the top left and leave the rest blank)
- Confirmation of Registered Support Order, DR-347 [Fill-In PDF]
(Only fill in the Petitioner's and Respondent's names in the caption at the top left and leave the rest blank)
Return to top of page
Uncontested Complaint for Divorce With Children Packet, SHC-PAC9A
- Instructions for Uncontested Divorce with children, property and no paternity issues, SHC-178
Word | PDF
Required Forms
- Uncontested Complaint for Divorce With Children, SHC-110
Word | PDF
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150 [Fill-In PDF] (Required - each spouse must file their own)
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
(Required - each spouse must file their own)
- Information Sheet, DR-314
[Fill-In PDF] (each spouse must file their own)
- Joint Motion to Put Settlement on the Record, SHC-1063
Word | PDF
- Final Documents
- Case Description Form CIV-125S

- Certificate of Divorce, Dissolution or Annulment, VS-401
You must use an original form (printed on archival-quality, acid-free paper).
You may not use a photocopy.
You must submit this form so that your divorce will be recorded with Health Analytics and Vital Records.
Important: If your divorce is not recorded, you may not be able to remarry, apply for a new license, or receive certain benefits until it is recorded. To get the form:
Pick up an original form from your local court; or
Call the Family Law Self Help Center at (907) 264-0851 and ask to have the form mailed to you; or
Email Health Analytics and Vital Records at BVSSpecialServices@alaska.gov and ask to have the form mailed to you.
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
- Shared Custody Support Calculation, DR-306 [Fill-In PDF]
- Child Support Order, DR-300 [Fill-In PDF]
- Application for Services of Child Support Services Division, DR-315 [Fill-In PDF]
- Paternity Forms - If paternity is at issue, please call the Helpline for more information: (907) 264-0851, or if you need a free call and are in-state but outside of Anchorage,
(866) 279-0851.
- Three-Way Affidavit to Disestablish and Establish Paternity, SHC-151
Word | PDF
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Parent Education Requirement
You have two options to meet the requirement for parent education: (1) watch the Listen to the Children video at the courthouse, or (2) complete the web-based class Children in Between. This requirement must be satisfied before the entry of the final decree in the case. See www.courts.alaska.gov/shcparent-ed.htm.
Return to top of page
Uncontested Complaint for Divorce Without Children Packet, SHC-PAC9B
- Instructions for Uncontested Divorce with property, no children, SHC-173
Word | PDF
Required Forms
- Uncontested Complaint for Divorce Without Children, SHC-111
Word | PDF
- Information Sheet, DR-314
[Fill-In PDF] (each spouse must file their own)
- Joint Motion to Put Settlement on the Record, SHC-1063
Word | PDF
- Final Documents
- Case Description Form CIV-125S

- Certificate of Divorce, Dissolution or Annulment, VS-401
You must use an original form (printed on archival-quality, acid-free paper).
You may not use a photocopy.
You must submit this form so that your divorce will be recorded with Health Analytics and Vital Records.
Important: If your divorce is not recorded, you may not be able to remarry, apply for a new license, or receive certain benefits until it is recorded. To get the form:
Pick up an original form from your local court; or
Call the Family Law Self Help Center at (907) 264-0851 and ask to have the form mailed to you; or
Email Health Analytics and Vital Records at BVSSpecialServices@alaska.gov and ask to have the form mailed to you.
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Uncontested Divorce Complaint with No Property, No Children, and Short Marriage, SHC-PAC9C
Required Forms To Start Your Case
- Uncontested Divorce Complaint with No Property, No Children, and Short Marriage, DR-820
- Information Sheet, DR-314
(each spouse must file their own)
- Joint Motion to Put Settlement on the Record, SHC-1063
Word | PDF
- Final Documents
- Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law & Decree of Divorce,
DR 801 & 806
- OR see Finishing the Divorce Case for alternative versions depending on
your situation.
- Divorce Findings of Fact & Conclusions, SHC-540 Word | PDF
- Divorce Judgment and Decree, SHC-545 Word | PDF
- Case Description Form CIV-125S
- Certificate of Divorce, Dissolution or Annulment, VS-401
You must use an original form (printed on archival-quality, acid-free paper).
You may not use a photocopy.
You must submit this form so that your divorce will be recorded with Health Analytics and Vital Records.
Important: If your divorce is not recorded, you may not be able to remarry, apply for a new license, or receive certain benefits until it is recorded. To get the form:
Pick up an original form from your local court; or
Call the Family Law Self Help Center at (907) 264-0851 and ask to have the form mailed to you; or
Email Health Analytics and Vital Records at BVSSpecialServices@alaska.gov and ask to have the form mailed to you.
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Uncontested Complaint for Custody of Minor Children Packet, SHC-PAC10
- Uncontested Complaint for Custody Instructions, SHC-170
Word | PDF
Required Forms
- Uncontested Complaint for Custody of Minor Children, SHC-118
Word | PDF
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150 [Fill-In PDF] (each parent must file their own)
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
(each parent must file their own)
- Information Sheet, DR-314
[Fill-In PDF] (each parent must file their own)
- Joint Motion to Put Settlement on the Record, SHC-1063
Word | PDF
- Custody Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law, DR-460 [Fill-In PDF]
- Custody Judgment and Decree, DR-465 [Fill-In PDF]
Required Clerical Forms
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Shared Custody Support Calculation, DR-306 [Fill-In PDF]
- Child Support Order,
DR-300 [Fill-In PDF]
- Application for Services of Child Support Services Division, DR-315 [Fill-In PDF]
- Paternity Forms - If paternity is at issue, please call the Helpline for more information: (907) 264-0851, or if you need a free call and are in-state but outside of Anchorage,
(866) 279-0851.
- Three-Way Affidavit to Disestablish and Establish Paternity, SHC-151
Word | PDF
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Uncontested Motion to Modify Custody, Visitation and Child Support
Packet, SHC-PAC11
- Instructions for Uncontested Modifications, SHC-1505
Word | PDF
Forms To Ask to Modify
- Joint Motion, SHC-1310
Word | PDF
- Joint Affidavit, SHC-1320
Word | PDF
- Choose 1 parenting plan order:
- Parenting Plan Agreement & Order, SHC-1128 Word | PDF
- Agreement & Order for Custody and Visitation, SHC-1126
Word | PDF, OR
- Order for Modification of Child Support, DR-301
[Fill-In PDF]
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
(each parent files their own)
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150 [Fill-In PDF]
(each parent files their own)
- Joint Motion to Put Settlement on the Record, SHC-1063
Word | PDF
- Information Sheet, DR-314 [Fill-In PDF]
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Shared Custody Support Calculation, DR-306 [Fill-In PDF]
- Divided Custody Support Calculation,
DR-307 [Fill-In PDF]
Return to top of page
Motion to Modify Custody, Visitation & Support Packet,
- Instructions for Motion to Modify Custody, Visitation and/or Child Support, SHC-1502
Word | PDF
Forms To Ask to Modify
- Motion & Affidavit to Modify Custody, Visitation and/or Child Support, SHC-1500
Word | PDF
- Notice of Motion, SHC-1630
Word | PDF
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150 [Fill-In PDF]
- Choose 1 custody order:
- Post-Judgment Order for Modification of Custody and Visitation, SHC-1124
Word | PDF, OR
- Custody Order (one page), SHC-1103 Word
- Order for Modification of Child Support, DR-301
[Fill-In PDF]
- Information Sheet, DR-314 [Fill-In PDF]
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Shared Custody Support Calculation, DR-306 [Fill-In PDF]
- Divided Custody Support Calculation,
DR-307 [Fill-In PDF]
- Direction to Seal Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit , DR-151 [Fill-In PDF]
Use this form if you think you or your child's health, safety or liberty would be jeopardized by releasing this information
to the other party or to the public.
Return to top of page
Legal Separation Complaint With Children Packet, SHC-PAC13A
- How to Start a Contested Case, SHC-181
Word | PDF
- How to Serve a Summons in a Civil Lawsuit, CIV-106
- The Life of a Case, SHC-180
Word | PDF
- Tips on Locating People
- List of Licensed Process Servers, PDF
Required Forms To Start Your Case
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Direction to Seal Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-151
Use this form if you think you or your child's health, safety or liberty
would be jeopardized by releasing this information to the other party or to the
- Paternity Forms - If paternity is at issue, please call the Helpline for more information: (907) 264-0851, or if you need a free call and are in-state but outside of Anchorage, (866) 279-0851.
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
Necessary if you think there's any possibility of default.
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Legal Separation Complaint Without Children Packet, SHC-PAC13B
- How to Start a Contested Case, SHC-181
Word | PDF
- How to Serve a Summons in a Civil Lawsuit, CIV-106
- The Life of a Case, SHC-180
Word | PDF
- Tips on Locating People
- List of Licensed Process Servers, PDF
Required Forms To Start Your Case
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
Necessary if you think there's any possibility of default.
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Answer & Counterclaim Packet to Complaint for Legal Separation With Children, SHC-PAC14A
Required Forms To Start Your Case
- Answer & Counterclaim to Legal Separation With Children, SHC-094 Word | PDF
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
- Information Sheet, DR-314
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Direction to Seal Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit , DR-151
Use this form if you think you or your child's health, safety or liberty
would be jeopardized by releasing this information to the other party or to the
- Paternity Forms - If paternity is at issue, please call the Helpline for more information: (907) 264-0851, or if you need a free call and are in-state but outside of Anchorage, (866) 279-0851.
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
Necessary if you think there's any possibility of default.
- Financial Declaration, DR-250
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Answer & Counterclaim Packet to Complaint for Legal Separation Without Children, SHC-PAC14B
Required Forms To Start Your Case
- Answer & Counterclaim to Legal Separation Without Children, SHC-095 Word | PDF
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
Necessary if you think there's any possibility of default.
- Financial Declaration, DR-250
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Uncontested Complaint for Legal Separation With Children Packet, SHC-PAC15A
Required Forms To Start Your Case
- Uncontested Complaint for Legal Separation With Children, SHC-090 Word | PDF
- Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150
- Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305
Fillable PDF | Print Only
- Information Sheet, DR-314
- Case Description Form CIV-125S
- Joint Motion to Put Settlement on the Record, SHC-1063
Word | PDF
- Legal Separation with Children and Property Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, SHC-590
- Judgment and Decree for Legal Separation with Children and Property, SHC-595
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
Necessary if you think there's any possibility of default.
- Shared Custody Support Calculation, DR-306
- Order on Child Support, DR-300
- Application for Services of Child Support Enforcement Division, DR-315
- Paternity Forms - If paternity is at issue, please call the Helpline for more information: (907) 264-0851, or if you need a free call and are in-state but outside of Anchorage,
(866) 279-0851.
- Three-Way Affidavit to Disestablish and Establish Paternity, SHC-151
Word | PDF
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Parent Education Requirement
You have two options to meet the requirement for parent education: (1) watch the Listen to the Children video at the courthouse, or (2) complete the web-based class Children in Between. This requirement must be satisfied before the entry of the final decree in the case. See Parent Education Requirements.
Return to top of page
Uncontested Complaint for Legal Separation Without Children Packet, SHC-PAC15B
Required Forms To Start Your Case
- Uncontested Complaint for Legal Separation Without Children, SHC-091 Word | PDF
- Information Sheet, DR-314
- Case Description Form CIV-125S
- Joint Motion to Put Settlement on the Record, SHC-1063
Word | PDF
- Legal Separation with Property and No Children Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, SHC-591
- Judgment and Decree for Legal Separation with Property and No Children, SHC-596
Optional Forms Depending On Your Situation
- Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word
Necessary if you think there's any possibility of default.
Standing Orders
NOTE: Standing Orders are automatic court orders that take effect once your case is filed. To learn more, please read the
Domestic Relations Procedural Order (Standing Order) section. You can read the Third and Fourth Judicial Districts standing orders to get an idea of what these orders say.
Return to top of page
Other Packets
- Custody Complaint Packet, DR-414 (For unmarried parents)
- Dissolution Packet #1, DR-1 (For married people with minor children)
- Dissolution Packet #2, DR-2 (For married people without minor children)
- Dissolution Packet #3, DR-3 (For married people who cannot find their spouse
and do not want to address issues about property, debt and the parenting plan.)
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