Trial Courts
Online Services
- ▸ Calendars
- ▸ Efiling
- ▸ Email Filing Directory
- ▸ Hearings & Trials
- ▸ Jury Service
- ▸ Pay a Defendant's Bail Online
- ▸ Pay Online
- ▸ Request Copies
- ▸ Search Cases
Programs & Services
- ▸ Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP)
- ▸ Mediation
- ▸ Online Dispute Resolution (AK-ODR)
- ▸ Restorative Justice Programs
- ▸ About the Trial Courts
- ▸ Anchorage District Court Materials
- ▸ Attorney Addresses
- ▸ Defensive Driving Courses
- ▸ Filing Fees & Fee Waiver
- ▸ Interest Rates
- ▸ Marriage Information
- ▸ Matters Under Advisement
- ▸ Pattern Jury Instructions
- ▸ Public Administrators
- ▸ Publications
- ▸ Restitution Collection
- ▸ Therapeutic Courts
- ▸ Three-Judge Sentencing Panel
- ▸ Transcripts & Transcribers
- ▸ Uniform Table of Minor Offenses
- ▸ Uniform Offense Citation Table
Quick Links
- ▸ ADA Coordinators
- ▸ File New Cases/Motions by Email/Fax
- ▸ Filings and Hearings
- ▸ Legal Notices
- ▸ PFD Attachment Lists
- ▸ Process Server List
- ▸ Recent Filings & Case Dispositions
- ▸ Locations & Hours
Language Assistance
- ▸ Interpreter Services
- ▸ T-985 Notice of Need for Interpreter
Attorney Addresses
The court maintains attorney addresses in CourtView using the "business" address on file with the Alaska Bar Association. This is the address that courts use when distributing notices, orders and judgments. If there is no business address on file with the Bar, CourtView will reflect "Address not provided" in the address field.
Whenever an attorney’s business address changes, it is important that the attorney immediately submit an Address Change Form with the Bar Association. This form is available on the Bar’s website: https:/ Attorney addresses in CourtView are updated weekly from a file received from the Alaska Bar Association.
Attorneys must also give notice of the change of address to other parties by filing and serving a notice of change of address in each case in which the attorney appears as required by Civil Rule 5(i).
Filing Fees & Fee Waiver
For Filing Fees and Fee Waiver information, please visit
Marriage Information
Marriage Information is now available at
Matters Under Advisement
Under Alaska law, a pay check may not be issued to a trial court judge until the judge has filed an affidavit affirming that no matter referred to the judge has been uncompleted or undecided for more than six months. AS 22.10.190(b) & AS 22.15.220(c). This provision is known as "the six-month rule.” The following "rules” or protocols are used to determine when a matter is under advisement and subject to the six-month rule. These protocols were adopted by the presiding trial court judges in 2002 to provide direction to the programmers who were developing management reports for the new trial court case management system (CourtView).
When a Trial Court Matter is Under Advisement
and Subject to the Six-Month Rule
(A) Motions. A motion is under advisement and subject to the six-month rule after the last of the following events:
- (i) a reply has been filed or the final deadline for filing a reply has passed without a reply being filed;
- (ii) any oral argument or hearing on the motion has been held; and
- (iii) any supplemental briefing requested by the court has been filed. If the judge schedules oral argument or a hearing after the filing of supplemental briefing, the six-month rule begins to run after that oral argument or hearing has been held.
(B) Decisions Following Trial. When a matter is taken under advisement following trial, the six-month rule begins to run on the last day of trial. If the judge requests supplemental briefing following trial, the six-month rule begins to run after that briefing has been filed and any oral argument or hearing has been held.
(C) Satisfaction of Six-Month Rule. The six-month rule is satisfied when an order or judgment is signed, or, in the case of an oral order, when the judicial officer enters the order on the electronic record. The six-month rule is satisfied for a master when the master signs the report.
(D) Reassignments and Stays. If a case is reassigned to a judge in the same court location, the six-month rule re-starts at day one for all pending matters on the effective date of the reassignment order. If a case is reassigned to a judge in another court, the six-month rule re-starts at day one when that judge receives a copy of the case file from the original judge. If a case is stayed, the six-month rule re-starts at day one on the effective date of the order lifting the stay.
Pattern Jury Instructions
Attention: These instructions are NOT for persons who have been summoned for trial or grand jury service.
Pattern jury instructions are used by the trial judge to instruct members of the jury on the law applicable in the case before them. Lawyers may also use pattern jury instructions as they prepare for trial to ensure they address all the elements of their case.
The Alaska Civil Pattern Jury Instructions and Alaska Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions are available online on the Court's website. The Alaska Civil Pattern Jury Instructions are also available in print at the Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau Alaska State Court Law Libraries. These instructions have not been approved or promulgated by any court or the Alaska Bar Association.
Public Administrators
The public administrator administers the estates of deceased persons when administration is required by law and no one else applies to be the administrator within 30 days after the date of death. AS 22.20.410 -- .440. The public administrator is a judicial officer or court employee appointed by the presiding judge of each judicial district. The public administrators in each judicial district are:
1st District - Amanda Schulz, Ketchikan, 907-225-3195
(including Yakutat, Skagway, Haines, Hoonah, Petersburg, Kake, Wrangell, Prince of Wales)
2nd District - Heidi Ivanoff, Unalakleet, 907-624-3015
(including Selawik, Unalakleet)
3rd District -
(including Glennallen, Palmer, Kenai, Homer, Seward, Cordova, Valdez, Dillingham, Naknek, Kodiak, Unalaska)
Brodie Kimmel, Anchorage, 907-264-0415
4th District - All the district's Magistrate Judges are Public Administrators. Contact the court location closest to you.
(including Fairbanks, Bethel, Nenana, Galena, Delta Junction, Tok, Emmonak, Hooper Bay, Bethel, Aniak)
Recent Filings & Case Dispositions
All reports are Adobe Acrobat PDF documents unless otherwise indicated.
- Adult Change of Name Cases Filed * Lists adult change of name cases filed in the prior month
- Adult Change of Name Cases Granted * Lists adult change of name cases granted in the prior month
- Criminal Cases Filed (updated daily at 9:00 p.m.) Lists criminal cases filed in the past seven days
- Criminal Dispositions * Lists criminal cases closed in the prior month and the current month-to-date
- Divorces and Dissolutions Granted * Lists divorces and dissolutions granted in the prior month
- Estate Cases Filed * Lists estate cases filed in the prior month
- Forcible Entry and Detainer Cases Filed * Lists forcible entry and detainer cases filed in the prior month
- General Civil Cases Filed (updated daily at 9:00 p.m.) Lists general civil cases filed in the past seven days
* Reports run on the first day of each month and are updated weekly on Monday.
Requesting Copies of Case Files or Documents
Case Files | Audio Recordings | Search Warrant Records
Requesting Copies of Case Files
Requests for copies of case files should be submitted to the records department or clerk of court where the case was filed. You may submit your request in person, by email, fax, or mail to the court. Please use one of the request forms listed below.
Case File Request Forms:
Anchorage, Saint Paul Island, and Sand Point: TF-311 ANCH
Fairbanks: TF-311 FBKS Wait time: Online requests: 4-6 weeks | In-person: current
Palmer: TF-311 PA Wait time: Online requests: 4-6 weeks | In-person: current
All Other Locations: TF-311
Due to staffing it is currently taking the Valdez court 4-6 weeks to process a records request.
A complete list of Alaska Court System contact information is available on our website.
Most court files are available for public inspection. Files in some proceedings, such as juvenile matters, are confidential and only parties to the case are allowed access to the file.
Certified copies: $10.00 for the first certified copy and $3.00 for each additional certified copy of the same document, requested at the same time.
Confidential Records: Only parties to a case are allowed to receive copies of confidential case files. If you are requesting confidential records, you must present photo ID to the court clerk when making your request.
Copies: The first document (or part) requested is $5.00, then each additional document requested at that time is copied at $3.00 each.
Exemplified/Authenticated copies: $15.00 for each exemplified copy of a document.
Research: $30.00 per hour.
A deposit may be required on some copy requests.
Requesting Copies of Audio Recordings
Submit requests for audio recordings in person or by mail to the clerk of court where the hearing was held. Please use one of the request forms listed below, and be sure to include $20.00 payment per CD.
Audio Recording Request Forms:
Anchorage, Saint Paul Island, and Sand Point: TF-304 ANCH
Fairbanks: TF-304 FBKS
Palmer: TF-304 PA
All Other Locations: TF-304
A complete list of Alaska Court System contact information is available on our website.
Requesting Copies of Search Warrant Records
CR-714 Request for Search Warrant Records
Transcripts and Transcribers
The Alaska Court System has an open solicitation (ACS-NOS-23-002) for qualified responders to be added to the list of transcribers contracted with the court.
Solicitation responses may be submitted to the Alaska Court System Purchasing Department at any time but must be received by Friday, February 17, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. AKT (Alaska Time) to be included in the initial list of contractors.
Any questions referring to the solicitation process should be directed to the Purchasing Department, contact information provided below. Any questions referring to the transcript process should be directed to Clerk of the Appellate Courts, Meredith Montgomery, at
Alaska Court System - Purchasing Department
820 West 4th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
ATTN: Jesse Head - Procurement Specialist II
Manual of Transcript Procedures (TF-410) 374 KB
Court proceedings are recorded using CourtSmart and FTR software. CourtSmart recordings include the software required for playback and transcription. For FTR recordings, visit the FTR website and choose a player to download. Free registration may be required.
NOTE: The court system does not provide transcription services to the general public. Audio recordings are available through the Clerk's Office at the court location where the hearing took place.
Trial Court Publications
Administrative Appeals - Instructions for Administrative Agencies is an addendum to the Alaska Court System Appeals Manual which outlines the procedures administrative agencies should follow in the event of an appeal of its decision.