Debt Collection in a Formal Civil Case
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There are 2 different court processes to collect a debt:
- small claims which is an informal process for debts up to $10,000. See small claims flowchart
- a civil debt collection case that uses the Rules of Civil Procedure in district court for debts up to $100,000. See formal debt collection flowchart
Most of this website deals with formal civil debt collection cases and not small claims.
About Debt Collection
- ▸ Starting a Debt Case
- ▸ Discovery - Getting Information for the Case
- ▸ Preparing for Trial
- ▸ Answering a Complaint
- ▸ Motions – Requesting an Order & Opposing a Motion
- ▸ After the Judge Makes a Decision
- ▸ Default Judgments
- ▸ Motions that Could End a Case
- ▸ Collecting a Debt: Executing on a Judgment
- ▸ Resolving the Case by Settlement/Agreement
- ▸ What to Expect in the Courtroom
Quick Links
- ▸ Forms
- ▸ Glossary of Debt Collection Terms
- ▸ Mediation
- ▸ Court Fees & Fee Waiver
- ▸ Finding a Lawyer
- ▸ Laws, Rules & Supreme Court Cases
- ▸ Other Internet Resources