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Resolving the Case by Agreement or Settlement & Enforcing a Settlement Agreement

What is a settlement?

A settlement is the term for when both parties in a lawsuit reach an agreement about how the issues will resolve. The parties need to file in writing what the terms of the settlement are so the judge can review it. Usually the judge will sign the settlement agreement and the case will be done. Parties can reach a settlement at any time before the judge makes a final decision about the issues in the case. Sometimes a settlement may be called a “stipulation” which is another word for agreement.

A settlement may involve:

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What are the benefits of settling a case?

There may be reasons to settle even if the Plaintiff will not agree to reduce what you owe or even if you think you might win at trial.

You can state an offer to pay in the Answer or if you and the other side reach an agreement after you file the Answer, you can file:

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What is mediation?

The parties can hire a mediator to help them work through their dispute and to try to come to an agreement. You can read more about mediation.

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How do I let the other side know I want to settle?

You have a few options depending on when in the case you decide you want to settle:

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What do we file if we settle?

You need to write up your agreement and explain all of the terms. Both parties need to sign it as well as the judge. You or the other side can write up your agreement or use a court form:

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How do I fill out the Debt Settlement Agreement & Order Dismissing Case?

Caption: Fill out the caption by circling "District" and filling out the top part of the first page with the court location, party names, and case number exactly as it is filled in on the Complaint.

Fill out the numbered paragraphs:

  1. Total Payment. State the total amount you agree to pay.
  2. Payment Plan. Mark how you want to pay:
  3. Interest. Mark whether or not interest will accrue. If there will be interest, list the amount. Sometimes contracts list an interest amount. If not, you can read the Alaska pre- and post-judgment interest rate PDF.
  4. Plaintiff's Billing Address. List the address where the money will be sent. You may need to get this from the Plaintiff or leave it blank for the Plaintiff to fill in.
  5. Other. Write any other terms you want to be part of the agreement.

Fill out your contact information and sign the bottom of the last page. It is important that the court always have current contact information for you so you can be notified of orders or court hearings.

Be sure you understand and agree with the other paragraphs before signing the agreement. If both sides sign a settlement agreement that the judge accepts and signs, the case will be over. It is very difficult to ask for something different if you change your mind. You may cross things out or add things in the "other" section.

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What happens if the Defendant doesn't follow a Debt Settlement Agreement?

It depends on what the agreement says and whether the court issued a judgment against the Defendant as part of the Settlement Agreement.

Having a judgment against you may impact your credit, or your ability to get a loan or find a job or housing.

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How do I fill out a Motion & Affidavit to Reopen Case if the Defendant is not following a Settlement Agreement and there is no judgment?

You can use these 2 documents:

Caption: Fill out the caption by circling "District" and filling out the top part of the first page with the court location, party names, and case number exactly as it is filled in on the Complaint.

Name: Write your name on the line in the first paragraph.

Fill out the Affidavit (you can add pages if necessary):

  1. Write in the date the Court signed the Settlement Agreement.
  2. Give the details of how the Defendant did not follow your Settlement Agreement.
  3. Check the box if you want a hearing.
  4. Check the boxes for the documents you include.

Sign in front of a notary or a court clerk: Fill in your contact information. It is important that the court always have current contact information for you so you can be notified of orders or court hearings. This is an affidavit that you must sign in front of an official, such as a court clerk or notary public, showing your ID. The court clerks can notarize your signature for free, but make sure to bring your ID.

Fill out the Caption on the Order: Fill this out just like you did on the Motion. The court will fill out the rest of the order.

File and Serve your Opposition

Make 2 copies of the documents (so you have 2 copies and the original)

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How do I oppose a Motion & Affidavit to Reopen Case?

If you have been following the Settlement Agreement and do not want the court to reopen the case, you can oppose the motion and file these 2 documents together:

Caption: Fill out the caption by circling "District" and filling out the top part of the first page with the court location, party names, and case number exactly as it is filled in on the Complaint.

Name: Write your name on the line in the first paragraph.

Fill out the Affidavit (you can add pages if necessary):

  1. Explain why you think the Plaintiff was wrong to state that you did not follow the Settlement Agreement.
  2. Check the box if you want a hearing.
  3. Check the boxes for the documents you include.

Mark the documents you included

Sign in front of a notary or a court clerk: Fill in your contact information. It is important that the court always have current contact information for you so you can be notified of orders or court hearings. This form is an affidavit that you must sign in front of an official, such as a court clerk or notary public, showing your ID. The court clerks can notarize your signature for free, but make sure to bring your ID.

Fill out the Caption on the Order: Fill this out just like you did on the Opposition. The court will fill out the rest of the order.

File and Serve your Opposition

Make 2 copies of the documents (so you have 2 copies and the original).

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How do I reply to an Opposition & Affidavit to Motion to Reopen Case?

You can address what is in the Opposition by filing:

You have 8 days from the date the Opposition was mailed (or 5 if it was hand delivered) to file the Reply. The way you count days for a Reply is different than other documents. Only count weekdays that are not court holidays. If it ends up due on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, it is due the next day the court is open. Remember, the courts close at noon Fridays.

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Rev. 5 March 2019
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