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Starting the Appeal section (Print-Version)

Step 2: Superior Court Final Judgment or Order

What is the final judgment or order?

It is the Superior Court’s final decision in the original case that ends all proceedings at that level. It may be called a final judgment or a final order, depending on the specific case. The final judgment or order resolves all of the issues that were presented to the court.

Why do you need it?

To file an appeal, you must have a final judgment in the Superior Court case. The Appellate Rules require that you provide a copy when you file the papers to start the appeal. On the judgment, the date noted in the Superior Court clerk’s certificate of distribution is very important because you calculate the deadline for filing the appeal from that date.

How do you get a copy?

You should have received a copy in the mail of the final judgment when the Superior Court case ended. If you need another copy, go to the courthouse and request your file. Review the file and find the final judgment. For a fee, you can:

If you cannot go in person, call the court clerk’s office where your case was decided, and request that they send you a copy.

What do you do after you get a copy?

This is Step 2 so keep reading and follow the remaining steps to start the appeal.

Rev. 26 December 2006
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