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Court Fees & Fee Waiver

Court Fees | Fee Waiver

Court Fees

Administrative Rule 9 PDF sets the fee schedule for all court proceedings and services, including Supreme Court appeals.

To file an appeal, you must pay:


You must pay with 2 separate checks if you are paying for the filing fee and cash deposit instead of a bond. For more information about the costs involved in an appeal, please read the Filing Fee and Costs section.

Fee Waiver

If you cannot afford the filing fee and/or the cost bond, you can ask the Supreme Court for a waiver of the filing fee and/or cost bond by filing:

Usually, you file your Motion for Waiver of Filing Fee and Cost Bond, SHS-AP 130 with your Notice of Appeal and other papers when you go to open your case. Your appeal does not start until the Supreme Court grants the waiver of filing fee and cost bond or you pay the required amounts. The case manager will send you an order telling you if the court granted the waiver.

Rev. 2 January 2018
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