To begin a court case, you must be able to find the person whom the case is against to provide a copy of the Complaint and other documents you file with the court. Below you will find tips on how to locate someone. If you are having a difficult time finding someone, you may need to do something called alternate service. If you think you might have to do alternate service, please read carefully the information at
Common SenseLast Known Address
Attempt service by process server or certified mail if you know the defendant's
last known address.
Friends and Relatives
Contact any known relatives or friends of the defendant.
Contact the defendant's employer or last known employer.
Phone Directories
Check phone directories and city directories in all towns or cities where you
think the defendant may live. Your public library may have phone directories
for other cities, and many city phone directories are available on the Internet.
Municipal Tax Departments
Contact the municipal (city) tax department in all cities where you think the
defendant may live.
Utility Companies
Call telephone information and utility companies in all cities where you think
the defendant may live.
Letters of Inquiry
Send a letter of inquiry to any person who you think might have some knowledge
or information as to the defendant's whereabouts. You are more likely to get
a response if you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the person
to respond, or your email address or phone number.
You may be able to find out if someone is on active duty by typing in their specific personal information at: This won't give you their contact information but may help you to figure out where to keep looking.
If you are a dependent, you also may be able to locate the member by contacting the First Sergeant of the last known unit.
If you think the defendant is in the Air Force or Marines, you may contact:
Incarcerated - Alaska state or municipal custody
If you believe the defendant may be in Alaska state or municipal custody, you
can check the VINE website to see where the defendant is being held. You can call the Department of Corrections Chief Classification Officer at 907-269-7426.
Probation - state/municipal misdemeanor probation
If you believe that the defendant is on misdemeanor probation, you can check
their court file for their address. They are responsible for maintaining their
current address with the court. You can also check with the Anchorage City
Prosecutor's office at 907-343-4250 to see if they have a current address
for the party. If the crime was domestic violence, the victim/witness program
coordinator at the prosecutor's office may have a current address.
Probation - state felony probation
If the person is on felony probation and you can't locate this person's address
anywhere else, please call Family Law Self-Help Services for information
on how to file a motion to request this information from the Alaska Department
of Corrections. You can also check the VINE website to see if the defendant is in on probation.
Incarcerated - federal facility
To find someone in a federal facility check the online inmate locator website
Probation - federal probation
If the person you are trying to find is on federal probation and you can't locate
this person's address anywhere else, please call Family Law Self-Help Services
for information on possible ways to receive this information from federal parole
Incarcerated outside Alaska
If the person you are trying to find is incarcerated outside Alaska and you can't locate their address,
you can check the VINE website to see which prison the
defendant is in.
Department of Motor Vehicles
If you can certify that you are trying to find the information for a court case,
DMV may provide a printed copy of the vehicle record, which provides the name
and mailing address of the owner and lien holder (if any), year, make, model,
VIN, color and license plate number. To apply for this information complete Request for Research of Motor Vehicle Record,
DMV Form 851 . The cost is $10
per request.
National Sex Offender Directory
Homepage for national website of registered sex offenders
Property Taxes
You can search the property tax listings in different areas by the person’s name to see the address of property they own.
State Recorder's
You can search the State Recorder's Office website to find out what property
a person owns. This service is free. Every state has the equivalent of the Recorder's
Office, although the department may go by other names, such as the Register
of Deeds.
Alaska Court System Records
You can search the Alaska Court Systems records on-line to see whether the person is involved
in any court cases. This service is free. If you do find a case number, you can contact the
local court and ask to see the court file to find the person's address.
Alaska Process Servers
A process server is a specially licensed person who is authorized to serve certain types of legal documents. While fees vary, it generally costs about $65. Process servers can serve legal documents just about anywhere, not just at someone's home. If the process server has a good physical description, he or she can wait at the airport, a bar, or other places for someone to show up. Some process servers can do address research on Alaska residents. The cost for an address search starts at about $25. The Department of Public Safety keeps a current
list of process servers .
Private Investigator
Hiring a private investigator is your most expensive option, but they may be able to do more detailed searches. You can find private investigators by searching on the internet. Many states require a PI to be licensed, however Alaska does not (although some Alaskan cities may).
Ingens Alaskandata, LLC is a private information company in Alaska that maintains databases on all sorts of statewide information. Call to see whether they might be helpful to you. The cost for searching is charged by the minute, see the website for pricing details.
Alaskandata, LLC
(907) 865-3282
Reverse Directories
A reverse directory, sometimes also called a Polk directory, lets you look up someone by phone number to get an address. Reverse directories are available at your local library and may be available at your phone company. Many web-based search services also provide reverse directory services that you can find by searching for "reverse directory."
Other Internet Resources
Internet search engines and web-based businesses may be able to assist you in
locating an individual throughout the United States. For example, search for
a person's name using Google (, or search the topic locating
people or missing people to get a list of websites that can provide additional
Here is a list of websites that can help you find people. You can also search the Internet for additional websites.
Social Network sites: Sometimes you may be able to find the person through a social network such as:
Rev. 11 December 2023 © Alaska Court System |
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